undirected graph

英 [ˌʌndɪˈrɛktɪd ɡræf] 美 [ʌndəˈrɛktəd ɡræf]




  1. Undirected graph dot language-syntax generation
  2. The characteristic of MVP is the conversion from netlist to weighted undirected graph and its objective is to improve the efficiency of VLSI partitioner by avoiding partitioning netlist directly.
  3. A circ is an undirected graph having only vertices of even nonzero degree.
  4. Even on the form to input an undirected graph edge, the establishment of the adjacency matrix to determine whether the connectivity graph ( A).
  5. Techniques by compound branch and network ripping to find out all spanning trees of an undirected graph
  6. On the basis of topology discovery, a probabilistic topology failure localization method based on undirected graph to recover IP network from failure is put forward, which is useful in repairing network failure.
  7. In this paper we present an approximation algorithm for ( k, m) optimal partition problem on an undirected graph. We show that this approximation algorithm which produces a near optimal solution runs in polynomial time.
  8. A method to build dimensioning model of 2 dimensional drawing based on undirected graph is presented.
  9. Let G be a simple undirected graph and C be the complement of C.
  10. A Simple Algorithm for Enumerating All the Minimal Cuts of An Undirected Graph
  11. Let G be a finite, simple and undirected graph.
  12. Based on the theory of the minimum spanning tree using undirected graph, the optimum plane layout of the sewerage pipeline network system was studied with the consideration of the effect of the weight changing on the spanning tree.
  13. In this paper, the concept of the characteristic polynomial of the undirected graph is defined, and the formulae for the number of loops, edges and triangles are represented by the coefficients of a characteristic polynomial.
  14. Research on Subgraphs of a Connected Undirected Graph of Which Vertices May Have the Same Names
  15. In term of the literature 1 a new algorithm for finding all undirected Hamiltonian circuits in an undirected graph is presented in this paper.
  16. Conditional Random Fields ( CRFs), a recently introduced conditioned probabilistic model for labeling and segmenting sequential data, is a undirected graph model that calculate the conditional probability over output nodes given the input nodes.
  17. Wireless sensor network could be described as an undirected graph.
  18. The algorithm can list all k arbitrary k trees of a directed or undirected graph. It can be used in topological analysis of active or passive networks and any other situations which all k trees are needed to be found out.
  19. Broadcast networks can be expressed by a simple connected undirected graph.
  20. The paper, puts forward that the path set method based on directed graph cant not be used to determine total diagonal structure in a network, a route set method based on undirected graph to determine the total diagonal branch structure in a network.
  21. Firstly, the undirected graph model in product structure domain, the directed graph model in product function domain, and the vector table model in customer requirement domain were constructed.
  22. Then it studies a topology failure location method based on undirected graph to recover IP network from failure.
  23. An Algorithm of Seeking Maximum Clique in Any Undirected Graph and Its Computer Programming
  24. In the proposed method, an undirected graph is used to represent candidate relationships between vias and redundant vias, and conflict relationships between redundant vias due to design rule violations.
  25. First, we study the static consensus problem of gossip algorithms for complex multi-agent systems with quantization information communication in undirected graph.
  26. The algorithm firstly distills vision and structure information from a web page to construct a weighted undirected graph, whose vertices are the leaf nodes of the DOM tree and the edges represent the visible position relationship between vertices.
  27. Given a weighted undirected graph, the vertex set is partitioned into several clusters.
  28. The problem of identifying minimum spanning tree ( MST) of a connected, undirected graph is a classical network optimization problem which can be solved efficiently in polynomial time by Kruskal algorithm and Prim algorithm.
  29. The signal in system is transmitted by the undirected graph which is abstracted from experiment circuit diagram.
  30. Because the number of feature in this specific region is not very large, we use an undirected graph to represent the constraint system and give the definition of the method as well as the detailed steps.